
All code that you submit for this course must be easy for me to read! That means it must be laid out on the page so I can see the structure of the code easily, don't have to scroll horizontally to read anything, and that there are comments to help me find the significant parts of the code in each file.

It also means that your comments should be "just enough, not too much." That is, you do not need to document the obvious and should assume that your reader knows the Handel-C language. Nor do you need to demonstrate to me that you know what you are doing. I will be able to tell that by how clean your code is and how well it runs.

Think of documentation as what professionals do when they write code so that others can maintain it after they have moved on, and you will have the right idea for dealing with this issue for this course.


Here are some rules for how to document your code. They are not hard and fast, but they should give you some ideas of how to achieve the goals outlined above.