
.\"  $Id: loadclass.1,v 1.5 2001/12/06 16:02:01 eric Exp $
.\"  Man page for LoadClass
.\"  $Log: loadclass.1,v $
.\"  Revision 1.5  2001/12/06 16:02:01  eric
.\"  Added reference to instantiate(1)
.\"  Revision 1.4  2001/11/27 22:09:39  eric
.\"  Added reference to listobjects(1)
.\"  Revision 1.3  2001/11/04 05:28:05  eric
.\"  Added listmethods
.\"  Revision 1.2  2001/10/31 00:33:29  eric
.\"  Formatting Revisions
.TH loadclass 1 "October 23, 2001" "LoadClass"
loadclass \- Load a .class file into a JVM's memory
.B loadclass
.I jvmnumber
.BI "[" options ]
.BI "[\-h " host ]
.BI "[\-s " service ]
.BI "\-r " remote\ class "| \-l" \ local\ class
The program
.B loadclass
attempts to load an existing Java .class file into a running JVM's memory.
If the file exists and is a valid .class file, the JVM specified by
.I jvmnumber
contain a copy of that file in memory, ready to be instantiated or to
have its static methods or members accessed.
.I jvmnumber
represents the internal identification number of a JVM registered with a
PJVM Manager.  A list of these identification numbers can be determined
with the use of
.BR "listjvm" .
.BI "\-h " host
The host on which a PJVM Manager
is running.  If this is a remote
server, specify a hostname.  Default is
.BR "localhost" .
.BI "\-s " service
The port number or service name at which a PJVM Manager
can be contacted on the
.B hostname
specified.  Default is
.BR "pjvmmanager" .
.BI "\-r " remote\ class
representing the location of a valid Java .class file.  This can be any
valid URL recognized by the Java URL Class, including file://, http://,
ftp://, etc.
.BI "\-l " local\ class
A class file on the local machine that is to be transmitted to the
remote JVM for execution.  This can be any path, absolute or relative,
that allows the local Operating System to locate the file.
The "-l" option currently expects the local file to reside on the same
machine as the JVM which is to load that file; in other words, there is
as yet no provision for transmitting the file to the remote server.
.BR pjvms (1),
.BR manager (1),
.BR requestjvm (1),
.BR listjvm (1),
.BR killjvm (1),
.BR listclass (1),
.BR listconstructors (1),
.BR listmethods (1),
.BR listobjects (1),
.BR instantiate (1)