
.\"  $Id: listclass.1,v 1.5 2001/12/06 16:02:01 eric Exp $
.\"  Man page for ListClass.
.\"  $Log: listclass.1,v $
.\"  Revision 1.5  2001/12/06 16:02:01  eric
.\"  Added reference to instantiate(1)
.\"  Revision 1.4  2001/11/27 22:09:39  eric
.\"  Added reference to listobjects(1)
.\"  Revision 1.3  2001/11/04 05:28:05  eric
.\"  Added listmethods
.\"  Revision 1.2  2001/10/31 00:33:29  eric
.\"  Formatting Revisions
.TH listclass 1 "October 23, 2001" "ListClass"
listclass \- List all classes loaded by a JVM
.BI "listclass [" options ]
.BI "[\-h " host ]
.BI "[\-s " service ]
.BI "[\-j " jvm\ number ]
The program
.B listclass
contacts a PJVM Manager, which contacts one or all of its registered JVMs and
requests from them a list of loaded classes.  If a JVM is specified with
.B -j
option, then only the classes associated with that JVM are listed;
otherwise, the Manager iterates through its list of JVMs and queries
each in turn.
The list is returned in
the format:
JVM [jvmnumber]
[classnumber] classname
.BI "\-h " host
The host on which a PJVM Manager
is running.  If this is a remote
server, specify a hostname.  Default is
.BR "localhost" .
.BI "\-s " service
The port number or service name at which a PJVM Manager
can be contacted on the
.B hostname
specified.  Default is
.BR "pjvmmanager" .
.BI "\-j " jvm\ number
The internal identification number of a JVM registered with a PJVM
Manager.  A list of these identification numbers can be determined with
the use of
.BR "listjvm" .
.BR pjvms (1),
.BR manager (1),
.BR requestjvm (1),
.BR listjvm (1),
.BR killjvm (1),
.BR loadclass (1),
.BR listconstructors (1),
.BR listmethods (1),
.BR listobjects (1),
.BR instantiate (1)