Class Meetings and Assignments

The link above takes you to the course calendar for the semester. I'll be updating it as I make new assignments.

Check Grades

The link above takes you to a page where you can find out what grades I have recorded for you so far this semester. It's a good idea to monitor this information regularly so you can catch any mistakes early. The report you get will tell you the date and time when I last updated the information on the web, so don't panic if you don't see your grade for something that I graded more recently than that timestamp.


The manuals you need for the course are available on the computers in the lab. The link above takes you to a page where you can get at copies from outside the lab.

Course Discussion Forum

You can use the discussion forum to post questions and answers relating to any aspect of the course. You can help each other with laboratory assignments here, and by making your help public, everyone in the class can contribute suggestions or alternate approaches. That way everyone benefits. I will read the messages posted here and sometimes post my own responses. But in general, the forum is intended as a medium of exchange among students.

Anyone can read the messages on the forum, but you have to register to be able to reply to anything or to post new messages. Please use the same email address you sent me for use in the class mailing list when you register.

Note: There is also a world-wide Handel-C forum sponsored by Celoxica and run from Imperial College in London. This is a great resource not only because you get people from all over the world responding to your questions, but also because the folks from Celoxica have been known to contribute answers here as well.