Exam 3 Study Guide


The exam will cover material in sections 3.4 through 4.3 of the textbook. But the emphasis will very much be on the material covered in class rather than all the material in those sections of the book.

One way you should be prepare for the exam is to be sure you can answer all the homework questions that have been assigned, including the "virtual homework" (Exercises 1-5 from chapter 4) for which I emailed out solutions. What follows are some more sample questions, with solutions.

Sample Questions

Assume you will be given copies of Figures 4-5 and 4-11 to use in answering these questions.
What will be the address of the microinstruction with the label iadd1?
0x60. The operation code of the iadd instruction is 0x60 (from Figure 4-11), so that's the address of the first microinstruction in the sequence of microinstructions that will interpret iadd instructions. The "1" at the end of "iadd1" tells you that this is the first microinstruction that will be executed for iadd instructions.

What will be the address of the microinstruction with the label iadd2?
We don't know. Although it's logically the next microinstruction after iadd1 (the "2" at the end of "iadd2" tells you that), it could be at any location in control memory. The answer 0x61 would be wrong because that is just one of many possible addresses that might be used.

Assume that iadd2 is at control memory address 0x6E, translate the microinstruction at 0x60 into binary.
001101110 000 00 11 0110 000001001 010 0100
This question assumes you know that 0x60 is the address of the microinstruction at iadd1 (see above). You would somehow have to be given the code for that microinstruction: "mar = sp = sp - 1; rd". The question tests whether you know that this microinstruction contains the address of iadd2 (0x6E) in its next_address field and can translate that hexadecimal value into binary. Then it tests your ability to fill in the binary fields. The first nine bits are 0x6E as a 9-bit binary number (001101110); the next three bits are 000 because none of the jump options is being used; the next two bits are 00 because no shifting is specified; the next two bits are 11 because you have to add to compute sp - 1; the next four bits are 0110 to disable A, enable B, invert a, and not increment so that you add sp to all 1's (negative 1 in two's complement); the next nine bits are 000001001 so the result will be loaded into both sp and mar; the next three bits are 010 to start the read ("rd") operation; and the last four bits are 0100 to select sp for the B bus.

Assume iload3 is at control memory address 0x28, translate this microinstruction into binary: "mar = h + cpp;rd;goto iload3
000101000 000 00 11 1100 000000001 010 0110
The next address field is 0x28 in binary (000101000); the jam bits are not set (00); the alu computes a+b (11 1100), the mar is the destination (000000001); there is a read operation (010); the cpp register goes to the b bus (0110).

Write a sequence of microinstructions that will interchange the values of the top two words of the stack. Note: In class I think I said that the stack grows downward in memory, but that's not true in IJVM, where you add 1 to the stack pointer when you push something onto the stack.
mar = sp - 1; rd // Read second word from stack
mar = sp // Make mar point to top of stack
h = mdr; wr // Write second word to top of stack in memory
mdr = tos // Prepare to write old top of stack value
mar = sp - 1; wr // Write old top of stack to second word
tos = h // Save new top of stack value in tos register.
The tos register always has a copy of the top word of the stack in memory, which is why the last instruction is needed. Note that the value of sp never changes in this sequence, even though two different words of memory are accessed using sp as the starting address.

Draw a diagram that shows how bit i of the sp register connects to the B and C busses. Be sure to show where all control signals involved come from and where else they go.
The idea is for you to show that output number 4 of the 4 x 16 decoder in Figure 4-6 is used to enable a tristate buffer connecting the output of SPi to wire i of the B Bus and that this control wire also enables the other tristate buffers connecting the other 31 bits of SP to their corresponding wires of the B Bus. In addition, you need to show that one of the nine wires in the C field of the microinstruction register (MIR) is used to enable the clock input to SPi by being ANDed with the clock; the output of this AND gate also goes to the clock inputs of the other 31 flip-flops in SP. (Alternatively, the control wire could go to 31 other AND gates, but this would be wasteful. Another alternative, mentioned briefly in class, would be to have a 2x1 multiplexor for each bit of SP which causes the bit to be loaded either from the output of the flip-flop or from the corresponding wire of the C bus.)
The only gates you would draw for this question would be the tristate buffers and the AND gate(s) between the C bus and the SP bit; the flip-flop and decoder should be drawn as boxes.

What is the bandwidth of a 32-bit bus operating with a 100 MHz clock?
3.2 Gbits per second.

Question 42 on page 202.
Instead of responding to addresses with bit patterns that look like 11xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, the pio would respond only to addresses that look like 111xxxxxxxxx. This means that addresses that look like 110xxxxxxxxx will not be responded to by the pio, ram, or eprom.

What is the purpose of a device controller, such as a pio or uart?
The status, control, and buffer registers in the device controller provide a mechanism for presenting a standard memory-like interface to the CPU bus, while providing device-specific signals to the actual device unit to be attached to the computer. The cpu can write data in one bus cycle to the device controller and then do other processing while the device controller manages the actual transfer to the device. Important concepts are: (1) The addressing of the registers on the device controller just like addressing memory words (2) The memory-like speed of transfers between the cpu the device controller compared to the relatively slow transfers of information between the device controller and the i/o device, and (3) The use of interrupts by device controllers to tell the cpu when it has completed an i/o operation.