
.\"  $Id: listmethods.1,v 1.4 2001/12/06 16:02:01 eric Exp $
.\"  Man page for ListMethods.
.\"  $Log: listmethods.1,v $
.\"  Revision 1.4  2001/12/06 16:02:01  eric
.\"  Added reference to instantiate(1)
.\"  Revision 1.3  2001/11/27 22:09:39  eric
.\"  Added reference to listobjects(1)
.\"  Revision 1.2  2001/11/14 18:11:29  eric
.\"  Modified to reflect changes to listmethods
.\"  Revision 1.1  2001/11/04 05:27:38  eric
.\"  Initial revision
.TH listmethods 1 "November 5, 2001" "ListMethods"
listmethods \- List all methods for a class loaded by a JVM
.BI "listmethods [" options ]
.BI "-j " jvmnumber
.BI "-c " classnumber
.BI "[\-h " host ]
.BI "[\-s " service ]
.B "[-d]"
The program
.B listmethods
contacts a PJVM Manager, which contacts the JVM specified by the
.B -j
option and requests from it a list of the methods for the class
specified by the
.B -c
.BI "\-h " host
The host on which a PJVM Manager
is running.  If this is a remote
server, specify a hostname.  Default is
.BR "localhost" .
.BI "\-s " service
The port number or service name at which a PJVM Manager
can be contacted on the
.B hostname
specified.  Default is
.BR "pjvmmanager" .
.BI "\-j " jvm\ number
The internal identification number of a JVM registered with a PJVM
Manager.  A list of these identification numbers can be determined with
the use of
.BR "listjvm" .
.BI "\-c " class\ number
The internal identification number of a class registered with the JVM
specified by the
.B -j
option.  A list of these identification numbers can be determined with
the use of
.BR "listclass" .
.B "-d"
Show declared methods only.  Default is to show declared
.B and
inherited methods.
.BR pjvms (1),
.BR manager (1),
.BR requestjvm (1),
.BR listjvm (1),
.BR killjvm (1),
.BR loadclass (1),
.BR listclass (1),
.BR listconstructors (1),
.BR listobjects (1),
.BR instantiate (1)